CoronaVirus FAQ

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Emergency Operations Protocol & COVID-19 | June 29, 2022 – In March of 2022 Odessa College transitioned to color code/level BLUE of the Emergency Status Operations Protocol. While we remain in level blue, the county, the state and the nation have experienced an increase in reported cases of COVID-19. As a reminder: employees and vendors who test positive for COVID-19 or present with new or worsening signs or symptoms associated with COVID-19 must contact HR. Students who test positive for COVID-19 or present with new or worsening signs or symptoms associated with COVID-19 must notify the Vice President of Student Services via email
Odessa College will continue to prioritize your education and your health. Please be prepared to transition to increased restrictions should COVID-19 cases in the region rise.
Please use the helpful CDC RESOURCES and LINKS below. The quarantine and isolation calculator and subsequent guidance are consistent with the college’s COVID-19 protocol:


Emergency Operations Protocol | March 1, 2022 – Odessa College remains in color code/level YELLOW of the Emergency Status Operations Protocol; however, college restrictions for internal and external events as well as employee and student  travel have been lifted.  Per the latest CDC guidelines, people may choose to mask at any time. People with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should wear a mask.
Click here to learn more about the latest CDC guidelines and the COVID-19 Level in Ector County.
Odessa College will continue to prioritize your education and your health. Please be prepared to transition to increased restrictions should COVID-19 cases in the region rise. Employees and vendors who test positive for COVID-19 or present with new or worsening signs or symptoms associated with COVID-19 must contact HR. Students who test positive for COVID-19 or present with new or worsening signs or symptoms associated with COVID-19 must notify the Vice President of Student Services via email


OC Spring 2022 COVID-19 Protocols | January 14, 2022 – Odessa College will start the spring semester as scheduled on Tuesday, January 18th. Face-to-face, hybrid and online courses will meet as planned. With positive COVID-19 cases on the rise in the region, access to campus learning and support services are subject to change. Please continue to take precautions to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, and if you are sick stay home. Get a STRONG and SMART start to Spring 2022 by following these RECOMMENDED CDC guidelines: 

·         Wear a mask

·         Keep your social distance

·         Wash your hands

·         Sanitize your work and learning spaces

Employees and vendors who test positive for COVID-19 or present with new or worsening signs or symptoms associated with COVID-19 must contact HR, and may not be allowed to return to campus until:

·         At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications; and,

·         The individual has improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and,

·         At least 5 days have passed since symptoms first appeared or the positive COVID-19 test was administered (provided you are willing to wear a mask for 5 days upon returning to campus); OR

·         Presentation of negative COVID-19 test or note from medical professional clearing individual for return.

Employees who test for COVID-19 as a precaution and are NOT experiencing symptoms, may return to campus. Employees who test for COVID-19 and ARE experiencing symptoms must REMAIN HOME until test results are received and submitted to HR.

Students who test positive for COVID-19 or present with new or worsening signs or symptoms associated with COVID-19 must notify the Vice President of Student Services via email, and may not be allowed to return to campus until:

·         At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications; and,

·         The individual has improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and,

·         At least 5 days have passed since symptoms first appeared or the positive COVID-19 test was administered (provided you are willing to wear a mask for 5 days upon returning to campus); OR

·         Presentation of negative COVID-19 test or note from medical professional clearing individual for return.

Student who test for COVID-19 as a precaution and are NOT experiencing symptoms, MAY return to campusStudents who test for COVID-19 and ARE experiencing symptoms must REMAIN HOME until test results are received and submitted to the Vice President of Student Services at   

 Please continue taking recommended precautions to protect yourself and others while on campus: avoid close contact with others; cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze; avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth; clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that may be contaminated; wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If you are not feeling well, or you would like to schedule a test for COVID-19, please contact our OC CARES partner Medical Center Health System at 432-640-2100 or COVID-19 tests are available at discounted rates: $15 for students and $25 for employees. Free testing is available for those who qualify.

Emergency Operations Protocol | January 4, 2022 – Odessa College remains in color code/level YELLOW of the Emergency Status Operations Protocol. Internal and external events as well as employee and student travel must be approved by the administrative team. Should you have questions regarding the current level, restrictions and limitations, please contact your direct supervisor.

Odessa College prioritizes your education and your health. At this time, Spring 2022 classes will meet as scheduled; however, access to campus learning and support services are subject to change.

Get a STRONG and SMART start to Spring 2022 by following these RECOMMENDED CDC guidelines:

·         Wear a mask

·         Keep your social distance

·         Wash your hands

·         Sanitize your work and learning spaces


August 13, 2021 - The College has adopted an Emergency Status Operations Protocol that will serve as the guide for facility access and campus operations. The College President has the authority to modify or change the status color code/level at anytime in the best interest of students, employees and our community. These protocols will be implemented immediately, and are in effect until further notice. Continued operations are critical to quality teaching and learning, and are essential to student success. Consideration to continued instruction and learning is given in each status level.


July 28, 2021 - Good morning, Wranglers! COVID-19 cases continue to rise in our community; and just this week, the CDC issued new guidelines for mitigating the spread of COVID-19. Odessa College prioritizes your education and your health. Get a STRONG and SMART start to Fall 2021 by following these RECOMMENDED CDC guidelines: 

  • Wear a mask
  • Keep your social distance
  • Wash your hands
  • Sanitize your work and learning spaces

For more information regarding the Fall 2021 STRONG and SMART start to 2021, please visit  

May, 19, 2021 – Effective May 22, 2021 Odessa College will comply with the Governor’s Executive Order 36 Prohibiting Government Entities From Mandating Masks. Per CDC guidelines, the college encourages those who are not vaccinated to continue wearing a mask on campus. Odessa College will support a person’s decision to wear a mask and will not tolerate discrimination. Those who discriminate will be subject to the college’s discipline and adjudication process. Odessa College does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, disability or age. The college in partnership with Medical Center Hospital will host a COVID Vaccine Clinic (Pfizer) on Thursday, June 3rd from 2 pm to 5pm in the OC Health Sciences Building. The clinic is open to the community. 

Additionally, all mandatory campus health screenings will be suspended effective Saturday, May 22. Please continue taking recommended precautions to protect yourself and others while on campus: avoid close contact with others; cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze; avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth; clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that may be contaminated; wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If you are not feeling well, or you would like to schedule a test for COVID-19, please contact our OC CARES partner Medical Center Health System at 432-640-2100 or COVID-19 tests are available at discounted rates: $15 for students and $25 for employees. Free testing is available for those who qualify.

Odessa College will continue to follow the CDC guidelines to mitigate the spread and unpredictability of the COVID-19 virus including:

Odessa College thanks our community, our students and our employees for their continued commitment to making our campus and extension centers safe places to live, learn, work, and play.

Safe Learning at Odessa College | Summer 2021 - Effective May 10 – August 9

Odessa College continues to follow the CDC guidelines to mitigate the spread and unpredictability of the COVID-19 virus. The college’s screening and sanitization protocols significantly reduce exposure to the virus in learning and student support spaces. Campus and community resources are available to students impacted by COVID-19 including a food pantry, a licensed professional counselor and mental health resources, as well as emergency aid.

The college has made the following modifications to the campus COVID-19 protocols in accordance with the most recent CDC guidelines. Remember: if you are sick STAY HOME.

Complete Daily Health Screenings

  • Continued LIMITED entry points – temperature kiosks will NOT be staffed and student wristbands no longer required in instructional buildings. Saulsbury Campus Center will maintain staffed temperature kiosk and screening station.
  • Students, employees, visitors and vendors MUST use kiosk to take temperature and acknowledge that they have not been exposed nor that they have symptoms.
    • Employees and vendors who present with a fever, have been exposed or have symptoms should contact HR immediately.
    • Students and visitors who present with a fever have been exposed or have symptoms should email immediately.

Wear Face Coverings

  • Masks REQUIRED in indoor venues, classrooms, student support and learning spaces.
  • Masks REQUIRED for children in grades 4 and up.
  • NOT REQUIRED for outdoor events that allow for adequate social distancing.
  • NOT REQUIRED when using campus offices and meeting spaces provided the employees in attendance have been vaccinated.

Keep Your Distance (social distancing)

  • 3 FEET social distancing required.
  • Offices, classrooms, student support and learning spaces, and other venues INCREASED capacity to 50%.
  • LIMITED food service is permitted. Items must be single serve and designed “to go.” Potlucks not permitted.

Sanitize Work, Learning and Support Spaces

  • CONTINUED sanitization of work, student support and learning spaces

International Student Travel Quarantine IN EFFECT

Students who have traveled internationally and are vaccinated do NOT need to quarantine. CDC Guidance for international travel.

External Events NOT PERMITTED without prior approval from Vice President.

For the latest CDC guidelines visit

The college will continue taking precautions to minimize the spread and mitigate the unpredictability of the virus. This includes a mandatory health screening for students, employees, visitors, and vendors entering campus. Students reporting to campus must check in at the Saulsbury Campus Center for the daily, mandatory health screening. All other individuals entering campus should visit for information regarding screening protocol and additional screening locations. Additionally, protocols have been established to facilitate social distancing and limit loitering while frequently sanitizing campus work, learning and common spaces.
To schedule a virtual appointment with student services personnel, please email your request to:
The college reminds the entire Wrangler family to protect your health and the health of others by washing your hands regularly, practice social distancing, and staying home if you experience new or worsening symptoms associated with COVID-19.

If you are experiencing symptoms, have been exposed, or have tested positive, click the link below and complete the COVID-19 Reporting Form: COVID-19 Reporting Form

Kim McKay, Vice President of Student Services |


Ken Zartner, Vice President of Administrative Services |

See below for resources and information:

Coronavirus Updates and Information

Academic Success Coaches (Advisors) & Other Contacts:

Business & Industry
Destiny Singh | | 432-335-6756
Bonnie Kelley | | 432-335-6604
Rodney Hernandez | | 432-335-6357
Mireya Jacuinde | | 432-335-6405 

Health Sciences
Chelsy Nanny | | 432-335-6626
Rod Johnson | | 432-335-6745

Liberal Arts and Education
Randee Peterson | | 432-335-6733

Athletics | Randee Peterson | | 432-335-6733 
BAAS | Megan Brincks | | 432-335-6437
Early College High Schools | Casey Sims | | 432-335-6317
Mental Health Counselor | | 432-335-6121
Office of Special Populations | | 432-335-6861
Veteran Affairs | Gloria Rangel | | 432-335-6833
General Advising | | 432-335-6433